April Wrap Up/May TBR

Book Post Title PictureYes! It’s May! See how close we’re getting to summer? I officially have two weeks until classes are out for summer. AND I’m taking NO summer classes this year! Awesome!! So I can read more books! And sleep. I really need sleep.

So, let’s review what was read in the month of April. I’ll admit it, I didn’t finish my list this month. School took over. I had papers to write and tests to study for and papers to write. Yes, I said papers to write twice. I had a lot of writing to do. And also, baseball is back, so I watched a lot of that too. Let’s go O’s, hon!

But, the first book I read was Percy Jackson and the Olympians Book 4, The Battle of the Labyrinth by Rick Riordan. Oh it was good. I finished it too quickly though. Which happens often, since Riordan’s stories just pull me in and don’t release me until I’ve finished the last page. I have one book left in this series, which I’m sad and excited about. One of my favorite things about this series is that unlike so many other YA books, he doesn’t really use a love triangle as a plot point the way other books do (Twilight, I’m looking at you). I’m sure I’ll be reading other works of his when I finish this series.

The next book I read was Origin in Death by J.D. Robb. This was book 21 in the series, and probably the one that has confused me the most so far. Just all that went in to what happened with the Icove family and other plot points. I’m pretty sure Avril Icove and crew will be showing up in further books in this series. This is definitely a series I’d recommend to people, J.D. Robb writes well, even with cranking all the books out like she does. I’ve finished 21 books and they have yet to feel stale.

The third book I read was Clockwork Prince by Cassandra Clare. While I felt some characters were an exact replica of characters from her Mortal Instruments Series (Will… you are Jace, and just as annoying to me), other characters are wonderful. I love Jem and his steadiness and strength. Although you never know what Clare will do next to her characters. Tessa doesn’t drive me nuts in the way Clary does, she seems less dumb. I felt sad for Jessamine in this book, the choices she made definitely weren’t the best, even if the reasons she made them made sense for her character. Henry and Charlotte are awesome characters too. And as Clare does to me with almost all of her books, I flew through this book in a day. (Note, the only book of hers that took me a good week to get through was City of Fallen Angels) I can’t wait to read what happens in the final book, Clockwork Princess.

The fourth book I planned to read this month was The Magicians and Mrs. Quent by Galen M. Beckett. That didn’t happen. Between all the school stuff, my bookmark actually falling out of my book the other day, and the part where the writing read the same way I felt Pride and Prejudice read, slow, tedious, heavy, and slightly boring, I just couldn’t get through it this month. However, since the plot held promise and intrigued me, I’ll do my best to finish it some time. Can’t promise I’ll read the rest of the series though.

I also attempted to read Forbidden by Sarah Swan. However, I hit my limit on the slut-shaming she did in that book and just quit. Tracy just kept dissing how friends of hers were flirting with certain guys and other such things, and I just decided that instead of getting irritated with the book, I’d save myself the trouble and read something else.

I started Maids of Misfortune by M. Louisa Locke, but haven’t finished it yet. However, it’s a very interesting read, and isn’t hard to get through like Magicians is, so I definitely will be finishing it soon. I’ll have more to say about it when I finish it. It’s a historical mystery novel, and very interesting.


And now for the May TBR! The first book I’ll be reading this month is the final installment in the Percy Jackson and the Olympians series (NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!) The Last Olympian by Rick Riordan. Which I started this morning on the bus on the way to school, and already have less than 100 pages to read before I’m finished with it. Riordan really pulls me in. I tried to read it slowly, but I just can’t do that. But I’m also terrified that something horrible will happen before the end of this book. So we’ll see how that goes.

The next book I’ll be reading is Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare. I never really know where Clare will go with her books, but I hope this one is good. It’s the final installment in the Infernal Devices trilogy. Hopefully Clare doesn’t go the route she did with the Mortal Instruments series and change a trilogy to a six-part series. I can’t take that again. But I’m excited to see what happens with Tessa, Jem, Will, Charlotte, Henry, Sophie, Gideon, and everyone else.

The third book I’ll be reading is Memory in Death, the 22nd book in the In Death series by J.D. Robb. I’m sure it’ll bring more exciting moments for Eve, Roarke, and the rest of the wonderful cast of characters. I also wonder if Avril Icove will make a reappearance in this book.

The fourth book I’ll be reading is Divergent by Veronica Roth. Yes, I still have yet to start this series. It’s been sitting on my shelf since December and just taunting me. So now I’ll finally start reading it. I’ve read a preview and can’t wait to see more of the world Roth created.

The fifth book I’ll be reading is The Treachery of Beautiful Things by Ruth Long Francis. This one looked interesting to me because of the description of the type of story: romance, fairy tale, and suspense. What can I say? I’m a sucker for fairy tales.

And finally, I’ll be continuing on the saga of Jamie and Claire with The Fiery Cross by Diana Gabaldon. Maybe once finals are over I’ll be able to finish it. I wasn’t really even able to get to it this month thanks to school and those pesky Magicians and Mrs. Quent.

So that’s the month of May. If I have time and strength, I’m debating writing a post on what I really didn’t like about Beautiful Disaster. As I think about it, I remember what just completely upset me about it, and feel the need to discuss it. Even if that does mean torturing myself by rereading that damn book. We’ll just see what happens!

Goodreads links for May books:

The Last Olympian

Clockwork Princess

Memory in Death


The Treachery of Beautiful Things

The Fiery Cross

Edit: Somehow (and I really don’t know how), when I was typing this, “Roarke” got changed to “Rourke”. Ugh. I’m done.